Wildlife Garden and Habitat Creation Specialists Since 2005
Working with nature, for nature

Wildflower Meadows
Whether you have 5 square metres or 5000 square metres you don’t have to have immeasurable acres to achieve a successful wildflower meadow. When installed correctly these florally diverse areas can prove extremely effective in catering for vast arrays of wildlife, as well as being long-lived and often with little maintenance required. At Hazelwood Landscapes we have been creating
wildflower meadows for over 15 years that retain the same floral diversity as Triple SI grasslands,
and have attracted as many as 31 species of butterfly in as little as one acre. It is not only butterflies and bees that benefit greatly from these habitats, there are many other insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, small mammals and even bats that call a wildflower meadow home.

It is well known that the planting of native trees, shrubs and hedgerows can in time sequester carbon and help slow the effects of climate change. These features also provide invaluable habitat for many species.

Nectar Lawns
A great intermediary between a mown lawn and a fully grown wildflower meadow, a beautiful
nectar lawn has all the benefits of an accessible mown area yet can be a great pollinator pitstop for many insects, whilst bringing lots of colour to your garden. You may well have the beginnings of a nectar lawn already within your garden, Joel can visit and advise on the species contained therein. If you would like us to create or improve on your existing lawn, we ensure that it is planted correctly so that these areas literally hum with bees and other grateful insects in the spring and summer months.

Learn more about our past projects
Click here to be taken to Our Portfolio, where you can see some of the hundreds of incredible wildlife ponds Joel and his team have created over the past 19 years...